Ways to Give
Gifts of cash can be made directly to Triangle Nonprofit Publishing by mail, online, or as a recurring monthly gift; and also can be made in honor or memory of a loved one.
Click here to make a donations today!
Our mailing address is:
Triangle Nonprofit Publishing
1224 N. Hwy 377 #303174
Roanoke, Tx 76262
What a better way to increase the impact of your gift by contacting your employer to see if they have a Matching Gift Program. Many local companies offer this program to both current and retired employees.
A charitable gift from your estate through your will is called a bequest. By specifying a dollar amount or percentage of money, you may be able to receive a federal estate tax charitable deduction.
Donors who are 70 ½ or older often are able to enjoy some additional tax advantages by making their gift to Triangle Nonprofit Publishing directly from their IRA. If you meet these criteria, you can transfer up to $100,000 annually without having to recognize the distribution as income. In addition, this type of charitable gift directly from your IRA can be counted toward satisfying your required minimum distribution for the year, as long as certain rules are met. Please be sure to have an IRA charitable distribution reach Triangle Nonprofit Publishing by mid-December for inclusion in year-end giving.
You can name Triangle Nonprofit Publishing as the beneficiary of your retirement plan assets, life insurance policy, or bank account(s).
When you make a gift of appreciated securities like stocks, bonds or mutual funds, you may reduce, or even eliminate, your federal capital gains taxes on the transfer. Triangle Nonprofit Publishing accepts gifts of publicly traded or privately held securities. Stocks and bonds will be sold as soon as practical after being received.
A gift of real estate can be made to Triangle Nonprofit Publishing without touching your bank account. Appreciated property, held longer than one year may qualify as a charitable deduction; and you avoid paying a capital gains tax.
Please be sure to consult with a financial advisor to see how these giving options apply to your situation. For general questions about these options and Triangle Nonprofit Publishing’s gift acceptance policy, please contact M.R. Bartels at triangle.nonprofit.publishing@gmail.com